TRGC April 2016 minutes

Thames River Garden Club Minutes – April 21, 2016

 Attendance: Active: 35                                     Privileged: 4                                  Excused: 8

President Everett Munro called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM.

Phyllis Grohocki introduced her guest, Ellen Cassedy.

Everett thanked our hostesses Judy Graziano, Dottie Nauer, Mary Ann Richard, and Maria Zalegowski for a wonderful “picnic” luncheon.

Phyllis Teeson made a motion to waive the reading of the March 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded by Judy Graziano; the motion passed and the minutes were accepted without corrections.

Officers Reports:

President’s Report: President Everett Munro and Elaine Ackley attended the FGCCT meeting on 4/20; the program was excellent. Everett will put information from the meeting up on our website. Everett also informed the membership that Jan Theiller requests that someone from the Civic committee organize the Spring clean up at the Beebe Phillips house; please get in touch with Jan for information.

Upcoming Club activities:

1) May 7: Annual Plant Sale

2) May 27 (DATE CHANGE): 10 AM – Noon, Christ Lutheran Church, Society Rd. East Lyme. Alice Luster will hold a workshop “How to Design a Simple Winning Floral Arrangement”. Alice is a flower show judge and a member of the Country Gardeners of Glastonbury.

3) August 15: 10 AM – Noon –Planning Meeting for Officers and Committee Chairs

Committee Reports:

Program committee: Chairperson Pam Atkins has speaker evaluation forms available for member input.

Environmental: Juanita Toledo discussed the 4 times to prune Tomato plants – Late Spring (to make them full); Early Summer; Mid Summer (thin out); Late Summer (chop top of indeterminate because fruits at top will not ripen).

Garden Therapy: Phyllis Cushing was the leader this month and she brought beautiful yellow tulips to the session.

Hostess Committee: Elaine Ackley passed around a hostess sign up sheet for next year. She announced that the 2016 Holiday Party will be at Philomena’s Restaurant. The cost will be $30/person

Flower Show Committee: Pam Atkins asked members to sign up for 2017 Flower show committees

Phyllis Teeson announced the annual June Luncheon will be held at Enders Island, June 16 starting at 10:30 AM; $30/person. Please send in your payment by June 8.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Hagen, Recording Secretary

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